• About us
In the beginning, there was the turntable and a box of records, Then the twin turntable and mixer, finally the computer and mp3 files arrived. Today the DJ has a wide choice of software to ply his trade and entertain the public. Having gone through all the phases and written my own program for automating playing music for DJ'ing, here is a review of the efforts of others. PROGRAMS Programs can be split into two classes, first those to help the DJ, who may perform in front of a crowd of thousands, a club, a church hall or in the privacy of a bedroom. Secondly there is radio automation software. Some software providers may have a range of programs to suit all needs and pockets and do both functions. Most have downloadable demos to get the important look and feel of the product you may buy. DISCLAIMER All tradenames etc are the property of their owners, descriptions of products are taken from the websites linked. Try before you buy to see if the software suits your needs. If you buy anything as a result of seeing it here, let the company know and they may advertise with us! DJ SOFTWARE